'http://functionalmusclefitness.com/exercise-of-the-week/ Concord Personal Trainer Mark Wine of Functional Muscle Fitness brings you another exercise of the week. This weeks exercise of the week is power jump step up. This can provide an explosive plyometric technique with similar bio-mechanics to that of sprinting. It can also be incorporated as a cardiovascular exercise while leaning and toning the lower body. For more information or to get custom workouts from world renowned personal trainer Mark wine go to http://www.functionalmusclefitness.com or check out the reviews http://maps.google.com/maps/place?q=Functional+Muscle+Fitness+LLC,+1091+Shary+Circle,+Concord&cid=16839766459986397939'
Tags: functional fitness , Functional Training Workout , functional training workouts , functional training routines , sports training workouts , sport performance training , athletic performance training , athletic strength training , functional training programs , sports conditioning training , athletic sports training , athletic fitness training , athlete speed training , sports conditioning programs
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