'LOTUS HERBALS WHEATNOURISH Wheatgerm Oil &Honey Massage Cream !Honesty Review ! In this video to show LOTUS HERBALS WHEATNOURISH Wheatgerm Oil &Honey Massage Cream! Honesty Review ! Don\'t forget like comments and share, if you r a new member in my channel please subscribe my channel and press bell Icon for more video. Product details ******************** Quarries: #reviewoflotusherbalsmassagecream, #massage cream, #winterskincare, #bestmassagecream #bestmassagecreamforallskintype #nourishingcream, #lotus herbals, #skincare, #LOTUSHERBALS #WHEATNOURISH #WheatgermOilHoneyMassageCream! #lotuswheatnourishcream #lotuswheatnourishmassagecreamreview #bestmassagecreamforskinwhitening For more video : 1.Facial massager review&demo/ facial message for fair and glowing skin!Soma creative bangla 2.Lakmi ABSOLUTE 3D COVER FOUNDATION SPF 30 Honesty Review&Demo!Best foundation for all skin type! https://youtu.be/ZXYytPQrsj0 3.How to nail extension at home https://youtu.be/de5lbPbOzek 4.SUTHOL! benift of suthol antiseptic skin liquid!best antiseptic liquid!multipurpose uses of suthol https://youtu.be/tZThKPuXgMM 5.Kingko\'s Arnica hair oil& SBL Arnica Montana herbal shampoo honestly review!Best homeopathy oil https://youtu.be/_sEl3kD3gBs 6.ACNI-UV gel sunscreen SPF 30PA honestly review!recommended by dermatologist !best sunscreen lotion https://youtu.be/ie_kKeUaK6U Brand-Lotus Herbals Scent-Honey Item Form-Cream *Aswagandha extract is skin rejuvenating and anti-inflammatoryTulsi extract is natural astringent and antiseptic *Wheat germ oil is a rich source of vitamin E, antioxidant and skin nourisher. *Almond oil has excellent emollent and skin nourishing properties and is a natural source of vitamin E *Honey nourishes and softens skin and acts as a natural antiseptic Use: Wash face with lukewarm water, apply all over face and neck then moisten hands with cold water and gently massage for 5 minutes using upward and outward strokesLeave on for 10-15 minutes and remove with damp cotton. Country of Origin: India Description An excellent massage cream that provides total nourishment to skin. Regular use brings out a radiant glow. Suitable for women below 30 years. Additional InformationManufacturer: Lotus Herbals Color Cosmetics, Item Weight: 50 g Included Components: Crème Lotus Herbals Wheatnourish Wheatgerm Oil and Honey Nourishment Massage Cream, 50g Buy this product: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B002W4EFP8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_FA8GBHJ92GDF83ZGH5RQ Background music credit: ************************ Song: INOSSI - Wanna Go Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Creative Commons -Attribution 3.0 Unported Video Link: https://youtu.be/H2e73KzLplk #NoCopyrightMusic #VlogMusic #VlogNoCopyrightMusic Social side link:
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