Jul 13, 2023
'BEAUTYLISH BLACK FRIDAY 2019 INGLOT HAUL ! If I could only have one brand of eyeshadow this would be it! AMC Pure Pigment eyeshadow plus CREAM LIPSTICK , BLUSH , FACE & BODY POWDER & AMC HIGHLIGHTER. Awesome haul of Polish makeup brand Inglot 12 AMC Pure pigment eyeshadows and a few other Inglot brand items I was curious about. Products mentioned are all INGLOT COSMETICS INGLOT AMC Multicolour System Face & Body Powder Matte In 91 INGLOT Cream Lipstick In 141 (pink) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 45 (white with green shift)t INGLOT AMC Multicolour System Highlighting Powder Face, Eyes Body In 90 INGLOT Face Blush In 29 (peach terra-cotta nude) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 56 (white with lavender blue shift) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 80 (chocolate brown) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 79 (peach champagne) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 81 (copper burgundy duo chrome) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 33 (blackened purple) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 73 (amethyst black light purple) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 23 (silver gray) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 49 (gray gun metal) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 117 (green glitter) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 32 (mallard peacock blue) INGLOT AMC Pure Pigment Eye Shadow In 84 (green red HOURGLASS GHOST UNLOCKED & HOURGLASS GHOST AMBIENT EDIT PALETTE | HOLIDAY 2019 duo chrome) HOURGLASS GHOST UNLOCKED & HOURGLASS GHOST AMBIENT EDIT PALETTE | HOLIDAY 2019 #ingloteyeshadow #inglotamcpigment #inglot #beautylishblackfriday #jackiegreenebeauty #inglotpigment'
Tags: inglot , jackie greene beauty , Inglot eyeshadow , inglot pigment , inglot amc pure pigment , beautylish inglot
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