'FINALLY! My short and sweet reviews on the Ilia, Glossier & Persona Cosmetics Lip Balms! In today’s video, I swatch the shades I own on my lips so you can see how the shades work with my Medium/Olive Skin tone. I also touch a little about where I’m at with Ilia Beauty :) Persona E-Balms were gifted. Glossier Ultra Lips were purchased with my Glossier affiliate credit. Ilia hydrating balms were gifted except for the shade “FADED”. *=Products were gifted. Affiliate Links (Thank you to every single person who uses my links! I am grateful for you! & you help this channel grow ♡) ⭐︎Live Tinted: 15% off with code Tiffbytiffany15 ⭐︎FitGlow Beauty: 15% off with code TIFFANY15I’d appreciate it so much if you shopped through this link . I do make a small commission when you do! https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=975806... ⭐︎Moon Juice: 10% with code Tiffbytiffany10 ⭐︎Cocokind: 10% off your first purchase! With code: Tiffbytiffany ⭐︎ Aether Beauty: 15% off your entire order with code: Tiffbytiffany ⭐︎Amika Hair: 10% off with code: Tiffbytiffany ⭐︎ FREE pair of PARADE underwear when you purchase two with link below: http://secret.yourparade.com/tiffbyti... ⭐︎ Odacité Skincare: 15% off you entire order with code: TIFF15 ♡ These codes and/or links are affiliate links and I make a % of $$ when you shop through them For PR and Collabs please email me: [email protected] Connect with me ☞ instagram‣tiffbytiffany Song Credit: Rose (Prod. by Lukrembo) #PersonaCosmeticsEBalms #IliaHydratingLipBalm #GlossierUltraLip #LipBalmDemo #LipBalmReview'
Tags: Pérsona Cosmetics , ilia beauty , Brown Skin Beauty , lip balm swatches , persona cosmetics e balm , glossier ultra lip , ilia hydrating lip balm , glossier affiliate , lip balm reviews , lip balm demo , lip product reviews , Latina reviews , lip products on brown skin
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