'How to motivate yourself to practice dancing in the dance studio'

06:50 Sep 13, 2023
'http://www.gypsyrumor.com/blog  I would say that the most important factor that helped me improve in flamenco dancing is practicing on my own, in addition to taking dance classes. When I started practicing on my own, in the beginning I face a bit of a problem. I found it hard to motivate myself to dance. I would finally arrive in the dance studio. After allotting time for it in my busy schedule. I had finished work, taken care of family and children, done the laundry and whatever else I had to do and finally I was at the dance studio, but found it difficult to get started. Suddenly, I would be struck by an irresistible urge to go check my email for no particular reason. Or I would suddenly feel the need to go buy a cup of coffee ... a long list of distraction. My time at the dance studio would be over and I maybe practiced dancing for about 15 minute. I was not maximizing my time in the dance studio. This kept on happening and afterwards I would think why did I not use my time more efficiently? In a classroom with other people there is the group energy to carry me and motivate me to dance. There is music, the teacher, other people dancing and all of that would whip me into a dance mood within seconds. However on my own in the dance studio I found an inner resistance. One way to get around this problem is to find somebody else to practice with. Find somebody of about your level that you get along with, perhaps a colleague in your dance class that you can practice with. Two people practicing together helps generate some of the group energy. That is one solution, it\'s a good solution. However in my case, it was hard finding somebody to practice with whose time schedule would fit mine. To help motivate myself to practice dancing on my own I developed a routine that time after time whips me into the dance mood and gets me going. I will share my routine with you and hopefully you will find it useful as well.   First- before I even get to the dance studio, I prepare. I make a plan for that dance practice session. I create a list of everything that I should practice inside that time slot. That footwork I am having trouble with, that routine I need to master, some technique work ... etc. I create a list and write it down. For some reason, writing it down makes it concrete in my mind, even though the only person who sees that list is me. Then I make sure that I have everything with me that I need for the practice session the CD\'s, and music.   Second -- I get some music that I really like and feel moved by. Doesn\'t even have to be flamenco. It just has to be something that gives me a strong reaction. As soon as I arrive in the dance studio I pop that music in and I spend 10 minutes stretching. You can go on gypsyrumor tutor(http://www.gypsyrumor.com/tutor) to see a video of some of my stretch routines, or you can come up with your own.   Third -- Still playing music that I particularly like, again not necessarily flamenco, I spend 15 or 20 minutes dancing freely without any consideration to the right technique or choreographies that I am practicing for. For 15 -- 20 minutes I allow my body to move in any way it feels like in reaction to the music I am listening to.  I move my hands, my feet in any way that feels right. I might jump up and down one time and next time keep my feet glued to the floor while moving the rest of my body. While doing this exercise, I forget about right way of dance, technique, choreography or rules, I forget all that.   Fourth, I look up my list that I created ahead of time and start my practice session. For some reason, following these steps in that order, helps have successful and productive dance session.    If you have faced a difficulty in motivating yourself to dance  when you practice on your own. I would love to hear about your experience. There is a place for you to leave a comment right below this video. Free ebook. \"Don\'t Shoot! ... I have another story to tell you\" chronicles the trials and tribulations of an Iraqi woman who walks the tightrope between the poetic East and the seductive West. Claim you copy: http://ihath.com/free-ebook/' 

Tags: motivation , Dance , training , motivational , success , dancing , practice , flamenco , Flamenco Dance , flamenco dance lesson , flamenco dance lessons , flamenco dance practice , flamenco studio

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