'SurfMeiMei Fitness for Surfers_Full Body'

'SurfMeiMei Fitness for Surfers_Full Body'
21:21 Nov 13, 2023
'This video is a full body workout for surfing, health and fitness.  Full body surf workout.  4 exercises - 1 min intervals  1. Compass Lunge Matrix. 2. Surf Squats. 3. Knee to opposite Elbow from Plank. 4. Duck-dive Caterpillar.  --  1. 3D Lunge Matrix: Forward lunge (north), Reverse Lunge (south), side lunge (east), Curtsy Lunge (west) - repeat for 1 min 1b. Swap legs and repeat. 2. Surf squats: A deep squat - imagine you are trying to fit into a barrel at the bottom of the squat then stand tall and repeat on the other side. Keep it stylish and smooth. 3. Plank Twist: Begin in a plank and bring your knee to touch your opposite elbow, alternate sides. 4. Duck-dive Caterpillar: Start in a downward facing dog position and dive down towards the floor scooping your chest forward just above the floor and up into arched position - then press up to a cat stretched plank - repeat. Imagine you are duck-diving deep under a wave.  Check out our other fitness video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dPmrqsQPOc  ,and, Subscript to Surf Mei Mei Youtube channels for more surfing related videos!  Or www.SurfMeiMei.com for info on surfing/adventure!  SurfMeiMei.com joins SurfHealthandFitness.com for surf related workout.  Yoga, Pilates and other workout videos will be coming out soon at SurfMeiMei.com ' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , diet , Health , full body workout , pilates , yoga , abs workout , iMovie , lunges , Surfing , effective workout , Fitness (Magazine) , Dieting (Symptom) , Diet (Website Category) , Health (Literary Genre) , surfer workout , Surfing (Sport) , Surfer (Magazine) , surf camp , Surfer Girl (Composition)

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