'Use this video as a full body workout! The full list of exercises below: My favorite exercises for each muscle group: 1. Shoulders - Lateral raises (go for many sets with low weights and high reps + combined with drop sets) 2. Chest - Incline flyes 3. Triceps - Dips on bench 4. Abs - Cable crunches T-U-T 5. Upper back - Cable face pull T-U-T 6. Lower back – Rack Pull 7. Biceps - Spider curls 8. Hamstrings - Good mornings 9. Quads - Leg extension machine (drop set) 10. Booty/glutes - Hip thrusters 3 sets x 10-12 reps on each exercise. What is T-U-T? It\'s short for time under tension, learn about it in this video of mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzqLppk9Oks&t= Song used in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPFh9YiV_6s ♡ Get my Booty guide now - https://www.hannaoeberg.com ♡ ♡ My social media ♡ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannaoeberg/ Snapchat: @hannaoeberg ♡ Common questions ♡ ♥ The camera I use - Sony A550 ♥ I edit my videos in Sony Vegas Pro + Final Cut Pro X ♥ I\'m from Sweden ♡ Sponsorships / collaborations ♡ ♥ I get all my supplements from my sponsor Women\'s Best - https://www.womensbest.com ♥ I get all my workout clothing from my sponsor Gymshark - https://www.gymshark.com Business inquiries ONLY: info(at)hannaoeberg.com I will NOT reply to: - Inquiries regarding protein or other fitness/health supplements - Requests regarding free/unpaid promotion or marketing Please respect these conditions when sending an e-mail!'
Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , weight , full body workout , training , full body workout routine , hanna öberg , hanna oeberg , hannah oeberg , full body workout for women , full body workout for beginners , best exercises , full body workout at gym , best exercises to build muscle , favorite exercises , hanna öberg routine , hanna oeberg routine
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