'Free Program & App: https://surfstrengthcoach.com/program/free-surf-training-program/ Full Surf Training Program & App: https://surfstrengthcoach.com/program/surf-athlete-training-program/ Website: https://surfstrengthcoach.com Balance Training for Surfers. If you\'re a beginner surfer, yeah, you likely have a \"balance\" issue or deficit. If you\'ve never skateboarded, surfed, ice skated, or snowboarded, you likely haven\'t ever really developed or challenged your Tilting reflexes. These type of reflexes refer to your ability to maintain your center of gravity over a moving surface. If you\'re an intermediate surfer, you likely don\'t need much unstable surface \"balance\" training, and would more likely benefit from balance drills that promote ankle stability and lower body strength on solid ground. Unstable surface training absolutely has its place, it simply needs be efficiently applied and utilised. Develop strength and control on a single leg, on solid ground. Once that is mastered, expand your movement capacity towards SMART applications of unstable surface training.'
Tags: surfing fitness , surf training , surf coaching , skateboard training , surfing workouts , surf skate , surf balance , carver skate training , balance for surfers , balance training surf , balance training for surfers , surf balance exercises , balance exercises for surfing , balance work for surfers , carver balance training , surfksate training , surf skate balance
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