'BACK WORKOUT - MY NEW GYM | Follow me to the gym ♡'

'BACK WORKOUT - MY NEW GYM | Follow me to the gym ♡'
07:30 Jan 6, 2024
'https://www.womensbest.com/products/bcaa  1. Lats pull down 4set x 10-15reps  2. One arm lats pull down 4set 10-12reps 3. Pull-ups 3set x max reps 4. Sitting vertical rows with rope 3set x 12-15reps 5. Upper back face pull 6. Cable lower back rows SUPERSET face pull 4set x 12-15reps 7. Row-machine 3set x 10reps 8. One arm dumbbell-rows 4set x 10reps  In this video I will you show you a back workout in my new gym here in Gothenburg. As you can see above I have written down the full workout / gym program / schedule for you to use, all for free! The song in the video is All of the lights by Kanye West.' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , healthy , training , fit , gym workout , hanna öberg , hanna oeberg , back workout , sweden , whitney simmons , gym program , Swedish , women fitness , Nikki blackketter , womens best , How To Build Back , train back , Back program , ida warg , gym schuedle

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