Mar 22, 2024
'This exercise layout, popularized by Beast in the East Mike Rinderle will help you build muscle. A Blackjack is a two-exercise combination done back-to-back for 20 sets. The first exercise is done for 20 reps and the second is done for 1. Then, each set after, one rep is either added or taken away: 19/2, 18/3, 17/4, etc. This combo is a mini-blackjack, so the reps go 10/1, 9/2, 8/3, etc. I may have done 7/4 or 8/4 twice. I lost count in my head. The dumbbell weighs 110-lbs.'
Tags: blackjack , get bigger triceps , build back , build triceps , mini-blackjack , get bigger back
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