'Day 6 of Kukuwa Alive in 5 Challenge #kukuwaalivein5 Challenging you to workout everyday consistently for 30 days! All we\'re asking for is 5 minutes of your life each day to move your boombsey. You can do it!! It\'s never too late to join. For 30 days consistently, a new 5 min follow along Kukuwa video is posted at 6am GMT each day for the challenge of the day. You can do this challenge at your own pace and your own time. No pressure we just need you to stay consistent and move your boombsey with us for 30 days consistently non-stop! You can do it. Join us for your FREE 3 DAY TRIAL- FOR EXCLUSIVE KUKUWA CONTENT head over to https://kukuwafitness.vhx.tv for hundreds of amazing dance workout videos and content to keep you fit, healthy and well everyday! Don\'t forget to use hashtag #kukuwaalivein5 when posting on instagram or facebook and tag us @kukuwafitness Looking forward to moving our boombeys with you!! For all our outfits please visit kukuwa marketplace https://kukuwafitness.com/kukuwa-market/ #kukuwaalivein5 #workout #challenge #kukuwa #fitness #newyear #newyou #30daychallenge #noexcuses #motivation #5min'
Tags: kukuwa african dance workout , african dance , african dance workout , Kukuwa , Kukuwa fitness , kukuwafitness , coach cass fit , coachcassfit , kukuwamamababy
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