'This week on the podcast we\'re talking to Blair Wheeler about the important roll fitness plays in your golf game. Blair talks about how he\'s used CrossFit to improve his strength and perform better on and off the golf course. We\'ll also talk about how to get over the hurdles everyone faces when you first start a fitness routine, and a whole lot more. ⬇️SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL FOR MORE ⬇️ https://golficity.com/youtube Get this week\'s show notes here: https://golficity.com/episode312 Join our listener Facebook group (it\'s free!): https://www.facebook.com/groups/golf.podcast/ Join our Shot Scope Leaderboard: Use code GICITY in the Shot Scope App https://shotscope.com/golficity Tune in to more episodes of The Golf Podcast: iTunes: https://golficity.com/itunes Spotify: https://golficity.com/spotify SoundCloud: https://golficity.com/soundcloud Google Play: https://golficity.com/google-play iHeartRadio: https://golficity.com/iheartradio Get your Golficity merch here: https://golficity.com/merch Download the free Golficity App: https://golficity.com/app Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/golficity https://instagram.com/frankfasanojr https://instagram.com/mikefas4 Connect with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/golficity https://twitter.com/frankfasanojr https://twitter.com/mikefas4 #golf #podcast #fitness #golficity #sports'
Tags: podcast , golf , rick shiels , golf tips , golf fitness , golf instruction , golf podcast , blair wheeler , golficity podcast , golficity , the golf podcast , golf club fitting , mark crossfield
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