'Add Chains to Increase Your Bench Press (Proper Setup)'

'Add Chains to Increase Your Bench Press (Proper Setup)'
06:54 May 10, 2021
'We\'re back in the University of Houston\'s men\'s basketball gym with Coach Alan Bishop. And today we\'re going over a topic that we get a lot of questions about, how to properly use chains in your training. The use of chains has gained popularity in powerlifting and athletic training circles as a way to improve strength and explosiveness. Because of this, more and more people are using chain resistance as a tool to bust plateaus and take their lifting numbers to the next level. But there’s one issue, a lot of people don’t know the first thing about setting the chains up properly. If you don’t set your chains up properly you’re completely missing the benefits from this training tool.  When using chains, we pick exercises where the chains provide accommodating resistance based on the strength curve of the movement.  Accommodating resistance uses an added piece of equipment (the chains) to increase resistance throughout the range of motion. In the bench press, most people can perform a lot more weight doing a ¼ rep than they could if they took the weight all the way to their chest. By adding chains, we now have an opportunity to load the top end of the movement. For example, if we had 315lbs on the bar with another 90lbs of chain weight, our athlete is now working with 405lbs at the top of the movement. If we set the chains to completely de-load at the chest, this allows our athlete to explode off chest and continue to get challenged through the lockout, applying more force throughout the entire range of motion. The most common chain set up seen in most commercial gyms (the chains attached to a bar collar that only de-load a couple of links at the bottom) does not provide you much accommodating resistance. If you’re only de-loading a few pounds at the bottom of the movement then you aren’t changing the stimulus of the movement very much compared to just loading the bar with standard weights alone.  If you enjoyed this video please feel free to leave a like or comment, and share with your friends! Subscribe for more!  Receive workouts, technique tips, and exclusive discounts right here → http://bit.ly/FitCultSubscribe  FITNESS CULTURE TRAINING → http://bit.ly/2MosUqF  FOLLOW US → https://www.instagram.com/fitnessculturetraining https://www.facebook.com/fitcultprogramming/ https://www.instagram.com/jacobhutton1/ https://www.instagram.com/stevecook/ https://www.instagram.com/coachalanbishop  SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/FitnessCultureSubscribe' 

Tags: fitness culture , athlete , power , Steve Cook , jacob hutton , swole , fitness programming , bench press , what are chains for in the gym , why do people use chains for fitness , best exercises using chains , chain exercises , workout with chains , bench press variation

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