May 16, 2021
'Ben Greenfield Fitness Coach. Author. Speaker. Combining ancient wisdom with modern science. Co-Founder & Spokesman of @kion bengreenfieldfitness.com/ben-recommends Follow him at https://www.instagram.com/bengreenfieldfitness/ First 5 Minutes Of Automated Transcript: 00:02 oh 00:03 whoa i\'m off i didn\'t see you there 00:08 i always said i think i\'m live 00:12 i don\'t know if i connected there yeah 00:13 looks like i\'m alive people join so 00:16 oh 00:18 [Music] 00:20 watched a good documentary the other 00:22 night it was coldplay 00:24 a head full of dreams i think was called 00:26 everybody\'s seen head full of dreams 00:27 great documentary on that band 00:31 have a song in my head since i since i 00:33 uh 00:34 watched that 00:35 [Music] 00:41 oh angel sand 00:43 [Music] 00:56 you came to lift me up 01:00 they did this one beyonce life is a 01:03 dream 01:04 and life\'s a drug oh now i think i must 01:09 be 01:09 my old son 01:22 i know this song goes it\'s kind of like 01:33 [Music] 01:44 [Music] 01:52 feeling 01:54 [Music] 02:02 drunken high maybe they could say that 02:04 i\'m feeling so 02:06 drunk on love and high on life we could 02:09 change the words 02:10 to make it less hedonistic right we 02:12 could say 02:16 i\'m feeling i\'m feeling so drunk 02:19 drunk on love 02:21 [Music] 02:23 anyways that\'s not a song i want to play 02:24 for you guys um but i thought i would 02:26 pop on 02:27 and uh reply to let\'s go three top 02:31 questions uh and then i\'m gonna play you 02:34 guys a song that actually i\'m working on 02:35 because i\'m working on the 02:36 gospel album got a good blog post coming 02:39 up for you tomorrow night 02:41 or no tomorrow morning 02:44 i think you\'ll really like it it\'s about 02:46 creating stuff and 02:48 it\'s about this thing called hypnotic 02:49 rhythm that so many of us 02:51 get pulled into work exercise eating 02:54 paying the bills 02:55 and how much that takes us away from art 02:58 and beauty and creation 02:59 and i\'ve written for you uh kind of a 03:02 treatise on that and what you can do 03:03 about 03:04 it and how you can tap into more your 03:06 more yin artistic creative side 03:08 uh even if you\'re a hard charging 03:10 hardcore 03:12 high achiever because i struggle with 03:13 that a lot and and got to tap into my 03:15 creative side 03:16 so anyways um let\'s see best recovery 03:20 and rest tips for athletes 03:21 uh over and over and over again 03:25 sunshine earthing water 03:28 minerals cold and heat if i get every 03:31 athlete on the face of the planet to do 03:33 sunshine earthing water minerals cold 03:36 and heat 03:36 if they\'re already moving around eating 03:38 a good diet i mean they\'d crush it 03:40 so many athletes don\'t do that though 03:41 it\'s not fancy and a lot of that stuff 03:43 is free 03:44 um how to get your circadian rhythm 03:46 synced 03:47 yeah light is the number one way to do 03:49 that light and actually believe it or 03:51 not 03:51 not fasting not intermittent fasting so 03:53 let\'s say you want 03:54 your your wake time to consistently be 03:57 seven 03:58 like get up at seven get exposure to as 04:00 much light as possible preferably 04:01 sunlight but even blue light from a 04:03 computer screen 04:04 will do the trick and then um basically 04:07 eat 04:07 like eat pretty soon after you get up 04:09 preferably like 40 grams of protein 04:11 within about an hour or so after waking 04:13 and i know that breaks all the fasting 04:14 rules but if you\'re trying to get your 04:16 circadian rhythm aligned 04:17 that\'s how to do it because exercise and 04:19 light are two of your main circadian 04:21 rhythm cues 04:22 you guys know what the last one is in 04:24 addition to exercise and light 04:28 i just gave you a clue it\'s a meal food 04:32 food exercise and light those are the 04:33 three ways that you you regulate your 04:35 circadian rhythm 04:36 okay and then why the yellow instead of 04:38 the red glasses that\'s a good point 04:40 why am i wearing my yellow glasses i 04:42 just didn\'t even 04:43 switch them off yet i was making sushi 04:45 tonight so i needed a little bit more uh 04:47 more clay you know i can\'t even see you 04:48 guys with these things on there so i 04:50 mean they\'re good'See also: