'Paleo f(x) 2017 - A Message from Ben Greenfield'

'Paleo f(x) 2017 - A Message from Ben Greenfield'
02:00 May 28, 2021
'Paleo f(x)™ 2017 - https://www.paleofx.com/paleo-fx-2017/  Join our newsletter - http://eepurl.com/YrVLf Like on Facebook - http://www.fb.com/PaleoFX Follow on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/PaleoFX Check us out on Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/PaleoFX Follow on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/PaleoFX   Hey, what’s up?  I’m Ben Greenfield.   You know, sitting out here, looking over the ocean, I’m down hunting in Hawaii right now.   And I was contemplating the bests conferences, the best events, the best places that I want to be this year, when it comes to getting the most out of life, out of education, out of relationships, out of networking and out of having a good time.  And this hasn’t changed in past 3 years - If I could name one event that is my go to event as the funnest event on the face of the planet when it comes to healthy living, when it comes to fantastic food that you get to eat a lot of, when it comes to amazing parties and amazing people, it is an event that takes place this May.  It’s called Paleo f(x)™.   Paleo f(x)™ - I am going to be there, I am there every year and I would love to see you there.   It’s in Austin, Texas.  So not only would you go to very cool place but you also get to attend an amazing event with some of the, some of the most amazing people and I know I am using the word a lot but it really is true: amazing... amazing... amazing... Paleo f(x)™.   So you go to bengreenfieldfitness.com/paleo17, you can get in on this thing with a discount and I would love to see you there.   If you not paleo and you are just like a vegetarian walking around with a giant bread stick, that’s okay.   You can still show up and have a good time. I am, dirty little secret, myself not paleo I drink raw milk, I eat fresh fermented sourdough bread but I learned a ton at this event. I meet a lot of really cool people and I would love to meet you.   So check it out: bengreenfieldfitness.com/paleo17.   I would highly recommend you show up in May.   Make it a priority; I always do.  And see you there.' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , paleo , ben greenfield , paleo fx , PFX17

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