Jun 10, 2021
'Conditioning, speed work with the Sleds, Resistance training with the bands, box jumps working the legs and most importantly the core. As you see, the guys had no weight on the sled, I was really focusing on speed on the pull and pushback. I added 35/45 pounds or the ladies. Strength work and core concentrated. Box jumps, obviously leg work is involved. But I want the jump to come from the abdominal/core area. My focus is to contantly keep your abs engaged, involving them in all your workouts. In my opinion, weak core and abs equals a weak body. 1. Box Jumps 2. Sled pull and Push 3. Resistance bands abs/ leg work 4. Battle Ropes Thank you for watching, if there is anything that you want to see. Please comment below and we will get it on here for you. To make a change, one has to start. Get off the couch and make something happen. The Animalistic Trainer www.theanimalistictrainer.com Http://www.facebook.com/Keon T.Black Http://www.instagram.com/TheAnimalisticTrainer'See also: