'Foam Rolling For Golfers - Increase Your Golf Swing Flexibility - Golf Fitness Tips Join me and Dominic Pompile as we show you the best foam rolling moves to eliminate tightness, improve flexibility and golf pain free! #golf #golfstretches #golffitness ________________________________ Foam rolling, also known as self myofascial release is a technique used by athletes worldwide to optimize performance and aid in recovery. Foam rolling will allow your body to move optimally during physical activities such as swinging a golf club, and it should be an important part of every golfers golf fitness plan. This week me and Domenic Pompile from Vado Physical Therapy, will show you some key foam rolling moves that every single golfer should be doing. Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE this video, and SHARE this channel with a friend! ________________________________ Click the link below to get 15% off your own RUKKET SPORTS golf net! http://bit.ly/fitgolfergirlrukketsports Get your own foam roller in my Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/fitgolfergirl ________________________________ Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:30 - Meet Domenic Pompile, PT, CSCS 0:47 - Q&A 1:34 - Best Foam Rolling Moves 1:40 - Quad Foam Roll 2:17 - IT Band Foam Roll 2:45 - Hip Flexor Foam Roll 3:15 - Glute Foam Roll 3:49 - Subscapularis Foam Roll 4:26 - Thoracic Spine Foam Roll 5:07 - Pec Minor Foam Roll ________________________________ ♫Music By♫ ●Ikson - Anywhere ●Song - https://youtu.be/8h-WReYwj50 ●Follow Ikson - http://smarturl.it/ikson ________________________________ TRAIN WITH THE FIT GOLFER GIRL! ONLINE AND IN PERSON GOLF FITNESS PROGRAMS AVAILABLE: http://www.fitgolfergirl.com/trainwithme/ GET YOUR FREE GOLF STRETCHING GUIDE HERE: http://www.fitgolfergirl.com/free-stretching-guide SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL! New Videos Every Monday! https://www.youtube.com/FitGolferGirl MORE GREAT GOLF FITNESS VIDEOS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/FitGolferGirl FOR MORE GREAT GOLF FITNESS TIPS CHECK OUT THE FIT GOLFER GIRL BLOG: www.fitgolfergirl.com FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitgolfergirl/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fitgolfergirl/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/fitgolfergirl'
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