'Target your core, legs and glutes. Level up your squats and get ready to jam! Level 1: Parallel squats Reps: 10–12 Sets: 3 • Stand tall with your feet planted hip-width apart and toes pointing forward. • Draw your abdominal muscles in toward your spine and stack your forearms in front of chest. • Keep your posture and your feet firmly planted on the ground as you sit back and down into a comfortable squat position. Be sure to keep your chest lifted in opposite direction, neck in alignment and knees tracking over the center of your feet. • Push down into your feet and press ground away, contracting your glutes to return to stand. Simultaneously contract your upper back and arms to open arms straight out to the side as if you are slicing the air open. • Return your arms to start position and repeat the motion. Learn more moves or try a U-Jam® class free at 24 Hour Fitness: https://www.24hourfitness.com/membership/promo/UJAM/freeclass _______ STAY CONNECTED Instagram http://bit.ly/24IGYT Twitter http://bit.ly/24TWYT Facebook http://bit.ly/24FBYT Subscribe to 24 Hour Fitness on YouTube for workouts, success stories, exercise tips and more: http://bit.ly/24SUBYT DO MORE™ Start your membership today! http://bit.ly/24MBRYT 24GO™ on-demand workouts http://bit.ly/24GOYT 24Life™ Magazine http://bit.ly/24LifeYT APEX® vitamins and supplements http://bit.ly/24ApexYT Even more at 24HourFitness.com http://bit.ly/24WebYT'
Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , Health , leg day , plank workout , squat , group exercise , ujam , 24 hour fitness , U-Jam , Group X , Ujam music , U-Jam music , U-Jam choreography
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