Sep 8, 2021
'Mass Jumping Fitness Workouts At A Location Near You http://jumpingsingapore.com Recommended by medical and natural health professionals as a very beneficial exercise suitable for both young and old, aerobics rebounding on the mini trampoline is a full body cardiovascular exercise that is known to have many health and fitness benefits. The original Jumping® Fitness is a premium aerobics rebounding program conducted on specially designed, high quality jumping® profi mini trampolines that are both safe and effective. Jumping® Singapore, a Social Enterprise that supports and funds the social programs for poor and homeless Singaporeans, now brings jumping® fitness right to where you are. Expect a fun-filled, high energy, full hour jumping® fitness mass workout at the next venue. Every participant will experience the revitalizing and rejuvenating effects of jumping as every cell and muscle are stimulated and strengthened through regular jumping sessions. These will also be precious moments to connect and bond with friends and fellow residents as you exercise together for a younger, healthier and more cohesive Singapore. See you soon.'
Tags: jumping fitness , Jumping Singapore
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