Oct 7, 2021
'Reeplex pro strength commercial powerlifting bench comes with a clever lever assist arm allowing to change the height of a fully loaded barbell without removing weight plates. This heavy-duty bench press features PVC tough rubber on all bar catches and spotter arms, 80mm commercial upholstery and is built to IPF standards. learn more about this great bench below https://dynamofitness.com.au/reeplex-pro-strength-powerlifting-heavy-duty-bench-with-lever-assist view our full range of bench press equipment https://dynamofitness.com.au/bench-presses Dynamo fitness equipment 2/66 kent way malaga 6090 W.A 1300 85 65 42 #Powerliftingbench #commercialbenchpress #benchpress'
Tags: Perth , powerlifting , bench press , commercial fitness equipment , powerlifting bench , commercial bench press
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