'Training chest with Dan at home. Currently bulking after my little cut that I had, but not sure where to go from here! To bulk or not to bulk, that is the question. Summary: 1 x 20 reps no weight warm up 5 x 8 reps flat bench 3 x 10 reps incline bench super set (ss) with fly machine 10 reps. 3 x 8 reps dumbell press SS with 8 reps flys 3 x 10 reps cable flys 3 X 10 reps lower cable flys SS with 20 reps peck deck. Related topics: \"Chest day\" \"Chest workout\" \"How to get a big chest\" \"Getting a bigger chest\" \"How to grow your chest\" '
Tags: how to , tutorial , fitness , Workout , loss , weight , Health , muscle , Weight Training (Hobby) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , chest , how , bulk , skinny , Grow , teenager , Fitness (Magazine) , Bodybuilding (Sport) , Gym (Industry) , teenage bodybuilder
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