'Target your core, legs and glutes. Level up your squats and get ready to jam! Level 3: Jump (plyometric) squats Reps: 10–12 Sets: 3 • Start with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart. • Perform a plié squat and then push strongly off the ground to propel yourself into the air. Land gently to return to your standing, starting position. Learn more moves or try a U-Jam class free at 24 Hour Fitness: https://www.24hourfitness.com/membership/promo/UJAM/freeclass _______ STAY CONNECTED Instagram http://bit.ly/24IGYT Twitter http://bit.ly/24TWYT Facebook http://bit.ly/24FBYT Subscribe to 24 Hour Fitness on YouTube for workouts, success stories, exercise tips and more: http://bit.ly/24SUBYT DO MORE™ Start your membership today! http://bit.ly/24MBRYT 24GO™ on-demand workouts http://bit.ly/24GOYT 24Life™ Magazine http://bit.ly/24LifeYT APEX® vitamins and supplements http://bit.ly/24ApexYT Even more at 24HourFitness.com http://bit.ly/24WebYT'
Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , Health , leg day , plank workout , squat , group exercise , ujam , 24 hour fitness , U-Jam , Group X , Ujam music , U-Jam music , U-Jam choreography
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