'EMAIL ME: [email protected] JOIN MY TEAM: http://bit.ly/joinscottiesteam JOIN OUR TEST GROUP: http://bit.ly/scottiescizetestgroup Welcome to my YouTube Channel! Please Subscribe CIZE FAMILY WORKOUT WITH SHAUNT http://bit.ly/cizefamilyworkout CLICK to save your spot in our TEST GROUP! This was our first time doing the 30 minute sample disc we got for being Elite Coaches ! I can see this being a FUN family way to stay healthy and active! It comes out in JULY and available to club members with On Demand in JUNE! Click here to get info when it\'s releasedhttps://scottiehobbs.leadpages.net/cize-test-group [email protected]'
Tags: cize dance workout , beachbody dance workout , family home workout , cize workout family , scottie hobbs dancing , top coach dance , best coach dance
See also: