Dec 29, 2021
'The BD-11 Valor Fitness Hard Power rack is the perfect unit for the HARD CORE POWER LIFTER. Built using 2.5 x 2.5 12 gauge steel frame, the BD-11 offers multiple options. 1. Squat Rack: Rated for 650 lbs of weight. The BD-11 has 2 solid steel safety chrome bars for added support. 4 bars supports are supplied for a variety of bar adjustment heights. Recommendation is to perform the squats and bench press inside the cage for added safety measures. 2. Pull up station: Allows user to focus on pulling muscle workout and not just the pushing motion found in bench press. 3. Add a variety of utility benches, like the Valor DG-1 stationary bench, and you can now focus on military presses. Solid steel weld plate in lower rear of frame adds extra support to the over-all frame structure.'
Tags: Bench , fitness equipment , squat rack , power rack
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