Jun 19, 2022
'More ways to connect with us! 1). SUBSCRIBE Get notified when we release new workouts http://www.YouTube.com/SeniorFitnessWithMeredith 2). VISIT US Online https://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com 3). SIGN UP for our Newsletter http://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com/Subscribe 4). SOCIAL-ize with us! http://www.Facebook.com/SeniorFitnessWithMeredith 5). DONATE - Thank You For Your Support! https://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com/Donate 6). SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST Senior Fitness Podcast With Meredith https://www.seniorfitnesswithmeredith.com/podcasts/ Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/senior-fitness-with-meredith-podcast/id1481166012 Buzzsprout - https://www.buzzsprout.com/655240 /// In this exercise video Meredith is taking you through an easy to follow low impact cardio workout designed to be done right in your own home:) Low impact cardio workouts are a great way to get your heart rate moving and work your entire body. This particular routine is designed for beginners but anyone at any level will benefit from the moves found here. All you need is a place where you have some round around you to move and a great view of the workout itself. This is a full body routine and without any resistance or weights. Of course you can always add a little resistance using water bottles or light dumb bells for an extra challenge. As always remember to keep water close by always and take breaks when you need it. Have a great workout! Team Meredith'See also: