'The team from www.itfgaming.com, Editor: Darryl Linington and Ashleigh Venter: Assitant Editor, got together to create an infomercial style video for Zumba Fitness Rush... Check it out!!! We had loads of fun doing it. Cast/Voice over: Darryl Linington Filming: Ashlegh Venter This video is subject to copyright and may not be aired via any broadcast media without the consent of the team at www.itfgaming.com or the official consent of 505 Game and its partners, or developers. www.itfgaming.com has in no way edited the Official Zumba Fitness Rush Trailer featured within the video. This video was filmed purely for our official ITF Gaming Review of Zumba Fitness Rush, which can be found at www.itfgaming.com'
Tags: infomercial , zumba fitness rush trailer , zumba fitness rush kinect , zumba fitness rush review , ITF Gaming , Zumba Fitness Rush gameplay , ITFGaming
See also: