'Hi guys! I am back with a slim fingers workout this time. I have always dread for fingers such as BTS Taehyung, slim and skinny (I going to admit I have a lil obsession towards beautiful hands, aka 手控). So I decided to try to slim my fingers especially after I have difficulty to take off the rings
Tags: bts , #Workout , #exercise , #HomeWorkout , #Weightloss , #Fat , #upperbody , #upperbodyworkout , #CHUBBY , #challenge , #fatloss , #transformation , #beforeandafter , JIMIN , #daily , BTSTaehyung , BTSJimin , #30dayschallenge , #slimfingers , #beautifulhands , #30days , #beautifulfingers , #chubbyhand , #handworkout , #shorthand , #skinnyfingers , #skinnyhands , #slimfast , #spotreduction , slimfingers , slimhands , 瘦手指 , 漫画手 , 骨感手 , 肉肉手
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