Sep 16, 2022
'Yesterday I did my first red light therapy session in the machine known as the Beauty Angel, or Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement. It was definitely interesting but I won\'t know if it\'s worth it for a while. I need to commit to stepping into the booth 3x per week and results apparently happen after 12 weeks. Here are the benefits I can reap from using Total Body Enhancement: 1. The combination of red light therapy and whole-body vibration can aid in reaching your weight loss goals. 2. Red light therapy is helpful for repairing sun damage to your skin. 3. Consistent treatments over time can lead to the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks. 4. Can help in healing acne and other skin blemishes. 5. Will speed up the healing process of wounds. 6. Works to reduce pain and inflammation. 7. Energizes you before a workout. 8. Helps reduce stress levels. Have you heard of red light therapy? Do you do it? Have you seen any benefits/results? #Shortvideo #shorts #redlighttherapy #firsttime Buy the mug ☕ -https://365firstschallenge.com/shop/ FIND ME ON SOCIAL ===============================See also: