Nov 13, 2022
'#DAY27 Bosu Ball Squats - Bosu upside down This is an advanced exercise. Flip the Bosu upside down. Slowly step on the Bosu with feet should width apart. Contract your core to stabilize the body. Inhale and slowly lower your bottom to the Bosu by bending the knees. Keep all of your body weight centered on the Bosu. Without pausing, slowly exhale as you raise your body by straightening the legs. Do this exercise slowly and try to keep the top of the Bosu stable. #100ADAYSQUATCHALLENGE #30DAYSQUATCHALLENGE 100 squat challenge results, 100 squat challenge blog 100 squat challenge buzz 100 squat challenge fitness blender, glow body 100 squat challenge, 100 squat challenge home workout, 100 jump squat challenge, challenge 100 squat par jour, 100 day squat challenge results, 100 rep squat challenge fitness blender, the 100 squat challenge, 100 squat challenge you will be surprised, 100 squat challenge youtube'See also: