'This video will guide you step by step through an at-home cardiovascular fitness test. The YMCA 3 minute step test can be used to gauge your current heart health, and track progress as you begin a fitness program. . . CHART to Compare Your Results: https://cartwrightfitness.co.uk/ymca-3minute-step-test-normative-data/ . . ***NOTE: I mention in the video that you can use an online calculator for VO2max, but the calculator I found was for a different step test with a taller step. Therefore, if you do wish to calculate your VO2max, please use the equations listed in the NCBI article cited below. . . Citation to validate YMCA step test for VO2max prediction: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7171059/ . . GUIDED CLASS LIBRARY: https://www.shapeshiftwellness.com/courses/guided-class-library . . FREE CLASSES & COURSE SAMPLER: https://www.shapeshiftwellness.com/courses/free-resources . . YOGA TEACHER ANATOMY TRAINING: https://www.shapeshiftwellness.com/courses/functional-movement-anatomy-essentials . . ALL-ACCESS MEMBERSHIP: https://www.shapeshiftwellness.com/bundles/all-access-membership . . FOLLOW ME AT: www.facebook.com/shapeshiftwellness www.instagram.com/shapeshiftwellness'
Tags: Weight loss , yoga , mobility , anthony davis , Exercise Science , fitness test , biomechanics , yoga teacher training , step test , Kinesiology , 3-minute step test , biotensegrity , yoga anatomy , anthony davis yoga , shapeshift wellness , joint mechanics , anatomy of yoga , learn anatomy , anatomy class , tensegrity , kinetic chain , ymca 3 minute step test
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