Jun 5, 2023
'#DBD #PS5 #Gaming Showcasing the new Feng Min Litter Red Gaming Fit Cosmetic that includes Unique lobby music! This is so nice ! Love this new feature ! what do you think ? Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where survivors can have a clear advantage over killers.Dead hard, borrowed time, dstrike , boon totems etc being able to communicate and coordinate can be very powerful . Killer side even with access to powerful perks on their end Pop goes the weasel, bbq chili, Noed etc a good swf team can dominate the game. I play mostly solo survivor and i can appreciate a killer works harder and has to do what they have to do to be successful in this game. Play how you want and need to enjoy the game and be kind to each other ! both sides are needed for this game to happen.'
Tags: PS5Share , ShareFactoryStudio
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