'Hey Beauty Addicts! Sorry it\'s been a while since my previous video I\'ve been super busy with school, but I will be trying my best to upload a new video weekly from here on out! Tarte Cosmetics recently collabed with a well known Youtuber \"grav3yardgirl\"; they created this beautiful warm toned palette \"The Swamp Queen Palette.\" I created this look using the palette and I hope you like the look as much as I do! F O L L O W M E ✧ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beautyaholic14/ ✧ Twitter: https://twitter.com/beautyaholic141 ✧ Snapchat: izzy1416 ✧ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/beautyaholic14/ ✧ Kamcord: https://www.kamcord.com/profile/beautyAholic14 Please subscribe, like, comment & share! This is not a sponsored video. Everything mentioned was purchased by my own money, and all opinions are my own. P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D ✧ Tarte Swamp Queen Palette ✧ L\'oreal brow pencil ✧ Nivea Men\'s pro Shave Balm ✧ Maybelline Better Skin Concealer ✧ Maybelline Fit me Matte and Poreless ✧ Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer ✧ Anastasia Contour Kit ✧ Too Faced Sketch Marker \"black\" ✧ Colourpop liner \"Honey Dude\" ✧ Too Faced Better than Sex M U S I C ✧ \"The Love Club\" by Lorde ✧ Mura Masa - Firefly (feat. Nao) ✧ Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8 ✧ Bright Future by Silent Partner ✧ We Are One by Vexento https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento https://soundcloud.com/vexento Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/Ssvu2yncgWU ✧ Song: Virtual Riot - Energy Drink » Download: https://fb.com/RebornTunes GET TO KNOW ME Hey I’m Isabel but everyone calls me IZZY! I am 17 years old from Canada and I am a new Youtuber. My channel will mostly consist of tutorials, hauls, reviews & swatches, and hopefully some DIY’s too!! Can’t wait to share my beauty addiction with all of you, please subscribe to see more upcoming videos!!'
Tags: tutorial , makeup , maybelline , youtuber , high-end , drugstore , Makeuptutorial , tarte , grav3yardgirl , beautyguru , bunny , talkthrough , falleyelook , Swampqueen , swampqueenpalette , graveyargirl
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