Aug 13, 2023
'Join the other Balminions and subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=balmaholictv This is just my review/thoughts on the Tarte Grav3yardgirl Swamp Queen palette. No hate, okay? Any nasty comments will be deleted and you\'ll be blocked. Sorry. Constructive criticism is cool but bullying/threatening is not. STALK ME: Facebook: http://facebook.com/balmaholicfp Twitter: http://twitter.com/balmaholic Instagram: http://instagram.com/thebalmaholic Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/thebalmaholic GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/thebalmaholic PRODUCTS MENTIONED: Tarte Grav3yardgirl Swamp Queen palette WHAT I\'M WEARING: Eyes: Tarte Swamp Queen palette Face: Tarte Swamp Queen palette Lips: Bite Beauty Taro Nails: NAKED HELLO, PEOPLE. I was born with a non-degenerative form of blindness called ACHROMATOPSIA. It\'s pretty rare, so I\'m pretty special, thus making you pretty blessed to have come across me. With Achromatopsia comes being 100% colorblind, which as you can imagine makes parts of life pretty difficult, or at the very least, frustrating. I mean, as if having crappy vision wasn\'t bad enough, right? So, I decided to make this channel to not only talk about crap I like talking about, but to also maybe help some other people going through the same, or similar, circumstances. If I can inspire or help one person, my job here is done. Also, I don\'t censor myself and I don\'t hold back, so if you or your children or your pet llama are at all offended by language, that\'s not my problem. DISCLAIMER: All opinions are my own and I can\'t be swayed with pretty objects and/or moneys. All products mentioned in this video were bought with my own money unless otherwise stated in the video or here.'
Tags: tarte swamp queen palette , Tarte Grav3yardgirl palette , tarte swamp queen review , tarte grav3yardgirl swamp queen , tarte grav3yardgirl palette review
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