Oct 26, 2023
'Doing Hanna Öberg’s “Strong Gunz” Workout Follow Hanna’s Ig to see her video and many more: @hannaoeberg ❤️ Instagram: @Shaylad3 ❤️ Snapchat: shaylad3 ❤️ Facebook: Shayla Durant Leggings: Forever 21 Warm Up: 3 sets Diagonal Pulls into Shoulder mobility (5 reps) Pushups (10 reps) Tricep Dips (10 reps) Workout: 3 Supersets/3-4 Rounds/ 12-15 Reps per exercise WP Bicep Curls into Overhead Tricep Extensions Incline Bicep Curls into Dumbbell Tricep Extensions Skull Crushers into Spider Curls'
Tags: biceps , hanna öberg , triceps , upper body , Strong Gunz
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