Nov 27, 2023
'Find ways you can sneak fitness into your family\'s everyday lives! http://www.ghfc.com First, try making your household chores ACTIVE! Turn cleaning the kitchen, bathroom our bedrooms into a race. Each week, chart your progress and see if you can beat your old times! Also try playing music while you\'re folding clothes, and enlist the kids to sing and dance while you\'re putting everything away. Second, everyday make sure you get OUTSIDE! When it comes to transportation, try making a new rule in your home: if your destination is within two miles, bike there! And if it\'s within a half mile, consider walking. Also, try to take a brief walk around your neighborhood with your family each night. And lastly, when you go to the park make sure you get off the bench and either join your kids in a game or take a walk around the park with your girlfriends Third, get out there and EXPLORE! Each week, try to explore somewhere new with your family. There are so many beautiful parks and trails right within the Gainesville city limits waiting to be discovered. Within a two hour drive you also have endless opportunities to experience some of our most incredible state parks and natural springs. And if the weather is not cooperating, Gainesville even has an indoor rock climbing gym. Remember that the most important thing you can do is to be the example. Kids with active parents tend to be naturally active themselves! To help you get started in your pursuit to be an active family, join Gainesville Health & Fitness at their free annual Family Fitness Festival on Saturday, April 12th from 10am to 12pm at Hidden Oak Elementary school! For more information, visit: http://www.ghfc.com/family'
Tags: family , fitness , exercise , Health , active , Gainesville
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