'Inspired by Team USA athletes, try this 50-minute program designed to deliver total-body conditioning, core challenges and mental training. Or visit 24 Hour Fitness club and try it as part of a fun, fast-moving class offered for a limited time in January. You just might leave feeling like a champion. • Recline on your back on a mat or the floor, with your hands placed alongside your hips or slightly farther back so that your torso is raised. Engage your abs and exhale as you draw your knees to your chest. • With abs engaged and toes pointed, inhale as you lower your torso and extend your legs until your feet are hovering a few inches off the floor. • Hold for one count and exhale as you raise your torso and pull your knees in. Repeat. Find a class at https://www.24hourfitness.com/GX24 _______ STAY CONNECTED Instagram http://bit.ly/24IGYT Twitter http://bit.ly/24TWYT Facebook http://bit.ly/24FBYT Subscribe to 24 Hour Fitness on YouTube for workouts, success stories, exercise tips and more: http://bit.ly/24SUBYT DO MORE™ Start your membership today! http://bit.ly/24MBRYT 24GO™ on-demand workouts http://bit.ly/24GOYT 24Life™ Magazine http://bit.ly/24LifeYT APEX® vitamins and supplements http://bit.ly/24ApexYT Even more at 24HourFitness.com http://bit.ly/24WebYT'
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