May 22, 2024
'Shop Fitness Gear @ Sears: http://www.sears.com/fitness-sports/b-1020006?sid=OlvxSRSxyoutubechannelx9kP3rSG-5VI This move challenges your triceps and their surrounding muscles to help stabilize and lift the weight at the same time. It\'s great for toning your arms. 1. Hold a kettlebell with one hand on each side of its handle, and lie face up on a bench with knees bent, feet flat on floor in front of you. 2. Extend arms toward ceiling, directly over shoulders, palms facing each other. 3. Bend elbows, lowering kettlebell behind you until forearms are parallel to floor; extend arms, lifting kettlebell back up. Shop Fitness Gear @ Sears: http://www.sears.com/fitness-sports/b-1020006?sid=OlvxSRSxyoutubechannelx9kP3rSG-5VI Shop online: http://www.Sears.com Join us on Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/Sears/ Follow us on Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/Sears Download our mobile app: http://www.sears.com/en_us/sears-mobile-app.html'
Tags: fitness , Workout , cardio , exercise , stretch , sears
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