'What is the healthiest baby food? Ben Greenfield taste tests the new Serenity Kids baby food line. Save up to 20% when you go to https://BenGreenfieldFitness.com/myserenitykids Did you know a baby needs 30g of fat per day to support brain development, hormone regulation, and build the immune system? Yet, sadly, nearly all modern baby food doesn’t even come close to touching this daily requirement. Most are chock full of preservatives, added sugars, non-organic, GMO ingredients, and other toxins and additives that harm a baby’s muscular and skeletal growth, cognitive development, immune system, and much more... So I was incredibly pleased when I discovered what I consider to be the best organic baby food out there, Serenity Kids. As you can see, I can\'t get enough of this stuff and it\'s really helping me turn back the clock.'
Tags: Organic , immune system , clean eating , baby food , healthy snacks , healthy baby food , brain food , organic vegetables , healthy baby , organic baby food , grass fed meat
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