'Always start your dance fitness class with a warm up. Let’s dance to be fit especially during this covid crisis. Keep on DanZing will still try to upload videos to help you get fit. Thank you Alex Tattoo for the remix. Stay fit! Choreographed and danced by Lahoa #keepondanzing #greaseremix #warmup If you like this video, don\'t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel https://www.youtube.com/c/LahoariniSalinelkeepondanZing STAY CONNECTED Facebook Page : Keep on DanZing https://www.facebook.com/Keep-on-DanZing-286877855452786/ Instagram : keepondanzingkod https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=98f04q7dx6vf&utm_content=3unbcrh Email : [email protected] #zumba #zumbafitness #zumbalove #zumbalover #zumbafamily #zumbaworldwide #zumbacommunity #zumbainstructors #zin #zinlife #zumbachoreos #zumbabeto #popdance #dancefitness #retro #warmup'
Tags: Grease , zumba warm up , zumba warm up 2020 , grease zumba , grease music , grease tracks , grease dance steps , grease zumba dance steps , keep on danzing warm up , grease 2019 remix by@Alex Tattoo , covid crisis , fight against covid , retro.dance fitness 2020 , retro fitness warm up , retro grease , summer lovin grease , john travolta grease , grease medley , grease remix , alex tattoo , warm.up remix 2020
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