'In episode 33 of this 50 week series, Jeff Ritter shares the ultimate golf power workout for developing more explosiveness in your golf swing. For hundreds of FREE videos, audio lesson and more visit www.mttperformance.com/blog today Become A FREE SUBSCRIBER to MAKE THE TURN now! http://tinyurl.com/zdtxohu Thereʼs a big difference between being “fit” and training for golf. I learned this years ago when I embarked on a training program with Athletesʼ Performance. Located in Phoenix Arizona, Athletesʼ Performance, now known as EXOS, is an offseason haven for the worldʼs best athletes and others dedicated to wellness and a higher level of achievement. Their philosophy on performance has proven so effective, they’ve expanded their reach to corporate wellness, the military and beyond. Before AP, fitness to me was doing push-ups, pull-ups, squats and anything that would help me cinch up my waistline. Just one day in their program, however, opened up a whole new world as to what it meant to train in a manner that served a purpose bigger than the human ego. Gone were the days of sitting on a machine pushing or pulling with an isolated motion. At AP it was all about strength, explosive power, mobility and endurance. Each day was filled with a systematically crafted series of stretches, jumps, chops, twists and bursts that primed and conditioned the body to serve the purpose of winning! One of my favorite exercises for golf is the lateral med ball throw demonstrated in this weekʼs challenge video. Not only does it connect with the motion of a powerful golf swing, itʼs a great anaerobic exercise that really pumps up your heart rate. The next time you hit the gym, think about what it means to truly train for a better performance on the golf course and you can count this weekʼs challenge as complete. Benefits: Explosive Golf Swing Power Anaerobic Golf Exercise Exercise For Better Golf Shoot Lower Golf Scores Also Check Out: Best Golf Power Exercises: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geyXYAo25C0 Follow Us @ MAKE THE TURN: http://mttperformance.com/ MAKE THE TURN Blog: http://mttperformance.com/blog/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mttgolf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maketheturn Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mttgolf/ make the turn, golf fitness tips, golf power exercises, best golf exercises, golf power tips, david jack'
Tags: golf digest , golf fitness tips , jeff ritter , make the turn , golf power exercises , best golf exercises , David Jack , golf power tips
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