'How to perform BATTLE ROPES - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

'How to perform BATTLE ROPES - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'
00:50 Jun 19, 2021
'Battle Ropes are a great functional exercise with many variations for strengthening the arms and core. Battle rope routines have many variations. Once a client’s fitness level increases, you can add lateral or squat movements to the exercise.  MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: - Arms, Shoulders, Core  HOW TO PERFORM BATTLE ROPES: To enter the starting position, clients face the machine and take the battle ropes in a firm grip and create a hinge in their body by pushing the hips slightly back and bending their knees.  Their stance should be wide and firm.   To begin, clients rapidly move their arms up and down, keeping a bend in the elbows, to create waves in the ropes. Battle ropes tire clients quickly, so make sure proper form is kept throughout the exercise.' 

Tags: how to , gym , exercise , workout video , Physical Fitness (Industry) , physical exercise , battle ropes , how to video , hoist fitness , motion cage

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