'Golf fitness routine to work the 3 main physical fitness components needed for an effective program.'

'Golf fitness routine to work the 3 main physical fitness components needed for an effective program.'
04:44 Jul 4, 2021
'http://chrisownbey.com/  Golf fitness routine to work the 3 main physical fitness components needed for an effective program. - Golf Fitness Dallas tx video is brought to you by Chris Ownbey\'s golf fitness located in Dallas Tx. More Flexibility, A Stronger Core, Improved Power, and Better Fitness Levels are One Step Away! I hope you got a lot from this golf fitness exercise video. Be sure to click on the like button and hit subscribe and check out the link below for your FREE Pre Round stretching routine video along with more ideas, tips, and tactics for fitness for golfers.  Pre – Round stretching routine and 5 free videos visit  http://chrisownbey.com/     One of the most difficult things for us golfers to do is take a step back from the game and examine what we can do to improve our performance. Strength training is a perfect example. What almost all golfers overlook is developing the strength and awareness of the region of the body that can lead them to their best level no matter what their age, handicap or ability.  It is well known of the number of professional golfers utilizing a golf fitness program to improve their golf swing.  The words core training, have become common words in golf.  Unfortunately many amateur golfers are unsure of the exact definition of core training and the importance it has on their golf fitness program  The CORE   is a reference to an area of body from above the knees to below the chest.  It includes all the muscles, the nerves, and bones and all the neuromuscular structures on the front, side, and back of your body. Let’s keep it simple, Just about everything you do at the range and on the teebox involves the core region of your body. Hitting a long drive off the tee, iron shots, pitch shots bunker shots and putting, to reaching down and  picking up the ball out of the hole takes strength in your core region ...  So knowing that a large portion of the movements in the golf swing occur within the core region, it becomes obvious developing these physical components is necessary  to improve your golf game and lower scores.  Let’s talk about the 3 categories that is needed to make up a golf specific core program  1) Balance and stability  2) strength training  3) power training.  To help you better understand the purpose and how these 3 catagories  effect the swing . . Let us define the differing training categories and how they will lower your scores.     Core Stability  A large portion of your stability and balance is directly related to the core region of the body. If you are unable to maintain your stability and balance throughout the golf swing, the efficiency of the swing, contact with the ball, and club head speed will suffer. For example, when you swing your driver and are not able to maintain that perfect \"finished position\" of swing, the problem may be related to your balance and stability capacities throughout the entire swing. Improve the ability of your body to stability, then the ability to maintain balance within your golf swing will become easier.  Do this exercise to increase your Core balance.  The body swings the club,not the other way around.  It is a proven fact that muscles used in the golf swing that are not exercised and conditioned on a regular basis, will usually not respond to the correct golfing techniques.  Think of the core area the link in the chain that needs to be the strongest, not the weakest.  If you are really serious about improving your game, let’s start at the core of the problem.  The 4 best core exercises for golf - Golf Fitness Dallas tx video  Healthy body = Better Game!  Chris Ownbey     Fellow golfers : Looking for a workout program specifically for golf A program that will increase your flexibility A program that will stop aches and pains A program that will improve your golf game  Phone 214-457-9684 [email protected] http://chrisownbey.com/ http://winterizeyourgolfgame.com/ Chris Ownbey is the author and producer of the The Golf Fitness Caddie, and Golf Fit over 50 and the Ultimate golf fitness series. Seen on Golf Fitness Special Edition ABC Good Morning Texas. Golf Fitness contributor to Avid Golfer, Texas Golfer, Golfer MD. Founder and President of the Institute for Golf Fitness.  Press the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON' 

Tags: core exercises , flexibility , beachbody workout , advanced core exercises , golf fitness , golf stretches , core exercises for golf , INCREASE SWING SPEED , exercises for golf , golf fitness program , golf fitness workout , best exercises for golf , Core Training for golf , golf fitness dallas tx , core and flexibility training for golf , tony horton fitness

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