Jul 4, 2021
'http://functionaltraininginstitute.com: Battling Ropes are a magnificent tool for developing many aspects of fitness including speed, power and endurance. The key is velocity training and knowing what exercise to execute to produce the desired result. We teach the Battling Ropes in detail in our ‘Fundamentals of Battling Rope Training’ accredited course. You can learn more about the course here: http://kettlebellinstitute.com.au/course/fundamentals-of-battling-ropes/ The Functional Training Institute are pioneers in the Functional Training industry, creating some of Australia’s first ever certified CEC accredited courses around the instructional use of functional training equipment including kettle bells, power bags, barbells, battling ropes and more. Click Here to Subscribe to the Functional Training Institute YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=functionaltraininginstitute For a full selection of great workouts like this one, visit the FTI Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/functionaltraininginstitute Check out our official website at: http://functionaltraininginstitute.com Check us out on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/functionaltraininginstituteglobal'
Tags: speed , Physical Exercise (Interest) , training , power , Rope (Sports Equipment) , aerobic endurance
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