Jul 6, 2021
'So over the summer, I got a job as an Overnight Service Expert at a 24 Hour Fitness. This has been my favorite job I have ever had. I was made for this job. I was already a night owl, so the shift from 10:30 PM to 6:00 AM wasn\'t too bad considering I only had to stay up an extra few hours. I worked Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. This was every week for around 2 to 3 months. Anyways, going into this job, I knew it was going to get boring fast. With nobody in the gym and with towel service ending at 24HF, I figured I might as well have some fun with it. My boss even told me the first day that he doesn\'t mind if I go watch some Netflix or listen to some music when the hours are slow. So then, I decided to try to document my experience working the graveyard shift. Every time I had a shift, I recorded just a short vlog either detailing what I did that shift or physically showing something that I was doing that shift. Either way, I ended up with a lot of fluff. As you might expect, this isn\'t the most exciting job in the world, so I did cut a lot of (at least what I think was) the boring stuff. Anyways, here is (more or less) what my experience was like working the night shift at 24 Hour Fitness. Hope you enjoy :)'
Tags: vlog , 24 hour fitness , 24HF , 24 Hour Fitness Vlog , Brandon Victoriano , The Night Shift at 24 Hour Fitness
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