'We\'re back to back with another one day a week perfect workout. This time it\'s all focused on building a bigger back. Steve and Jake take you through a full workout that you can try on your next back training day. Lift 1 (1:28) Muscle Ups, 3x5 Lift 2 (2:16) Pendlay Rows, 3x5 Lift 3 (2:57) Rope L-Sit Pull-Ups, 3x5 Lift 4 (4:22) SA Barbell Row, 2x10 Lift 5 (5:03) Inverted (Weighted) Pull-Up, 2x10 Lift 6 (5:41) Single Arm Iso-Lateral D.Y. Row, 2x10 each Lift 7 Superset a. (6:35) Straight Bar Pullover, 2x15 b. (6:50) Wide Grip Seated Row, 2x15 (7:40) Conditioning Circuit 3 Rounds, Max Effort a. 20-yard Rope Sled Pull b. 20-yard Sled Push c. 20-yard Yoke Carry d. 150lb Med Ball Over Yoke e. 20-yard 150lb Med Ball Dung Beetle If you enjoyed this video please feel free to leave a like or comment, and share with your friends! Subscribe for more! Receive workouts, technique tips, and exclusive discounts right here → http://bit.ly/GetNotifiedFitnessCulture FITNESS CULTURE TRAINING → http://bit.ly/2MosUqF FOLLOW US → https://www.instagram.com/fitnessculturetraining https://www.facebook.com/fitcultprogramming/ https://www.instagram.com/jacobhutton1/ https://www.instagram.com/stevecook/ SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/FitnessCultureSubscribe'
Tags: fitness culture , athlete , power , back workout , Steve Cook , jacob hutton , swole , fitness programming , best back workout , lat workout , fix your back , gain back strength , best workout for lats , build bigger lats
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