'I’m interviewing Colleen Reichmann, about the problems with wellness and fitness culture, how they hurt our mental health and how to heal an obsessive relationship with these things. Shownotes: summerinnanen.com/123 We chat about: - How Colleen healed her eating disorder and went on to become a clinical psychologist who specializes in this field, - How she found health at every size and fat acceptance and incorporates this into her practice, - The problems with wellness culture and why it is diet culture in disguise, - Why we are so obsessed with wellness as a culture, - Why our body and willpower is not the problem when it comes to having “control with food,” - Why we both think the keto diet is the worst, - How to heal your obsessive relationship with wellness and fitness, - Why “strong is the new skinny” is so problematic and why extremes in fitness are not often acknowledged as disordered, Plus, so much more!'
Tags: fitness , Health , psychology , Body Positivity , body image , welness , health at every size , eating disorder recovery , orthorexia , fearless rebelle radio , Colleen Reichmann
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