'24/7 Life Fitness is a 24 hour gym located in Falmouth Jamaica. The gym is also open 7 days a week, hence the name 24/7 Life Fitness. The gym is fully equipped and secure and has been operating since March 2018 from its location in Johnson\'s Petroleum Plaza in Rock District, Falmouth. Personal training is available as well as free classes from Mondays to Fridays. Classes include: Abdominals Aerobics Body Sculpting Boot Camp Kickboxing Tabata Prices are very reasonable! 24/7 Life Fitness is the place to come if you are looking for: Cheap Gym In Falmouth Cheapest Gym In Falmouth Gym Around Falmouth Gym At Falmouth Gym Facilities In Falmouth gym in falmouth gym in falmouth jamaica Gym In Falmouth Town Gym In Falmouth Trelawny Gyms In Falmouth Area Is There A Gym In Falmouth The Best Gym In Falmouth Instagram: @lifefitnessja Video created by Yahjam Web Services @ https://yahjam.com/video-marketing-jamaica Video courtesy of Falmouth News: http://falmouth.news. http://falmouth.news/best-gym-in-falmouth-jamaica'
Tags: fitness , gym , Jamaica , Fitness Gym , 24 hour gym , Falmouth , falmouth gym , gym in falmouth , falmouth jamaica , trelawny , trelawny jamaica , 24/7 life fitness , gyms in falmouth , gym in rock , rock gym
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