'Beginner Naked Yoga: The Bear Basics 10, Hat Edition; Building Blocks and Glute Work'

'Beginner Naked Yoga: The Bear Basics 10, Hat Edition; Building Blocks and Glute Work'
01:08:09 Nov 9, 2021
'Welcome to Broz Fitness, welcome to today\'s Naked Yoga. As with the last Naked Yoga I move us through a vinyasa intended to cultivate a sense of building on the beginning movements we have been moving through the last few sessions.  This video was filmed entirely on iPhone.  #ad By clicking my affiliate links, I receive a commission when you make purchases from those sites, and you help continue to support making my practice and teaching financially accessible for all.  My underwear is from https://www.andrewchristian.com/?cmid=MDoyOjAxNDc1YWIxNmMxYjg2MzA6ZXU1dzRsTFdDREFzWFZSM1ptUVR5UT09&afid=MDoyOjE4Mjk5MjM0YTI1MzA5NzM6WmhxOG5iSGF6em9sbFV3S2o1Ymc1Zz09&ats=MDoyOjQwNzgzYzAwNmVhY2JhMTk6V0lQMThDRXc1ZU1wNXRTbzM0ckFsQT09.   I’m practicing with Yoga Blocks and on a mat from Manduka. You can find them at: https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=gvC1jxJUd6E&mid=37873&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.manduka.com.   Thanks for joining today! Subscribe at https://broz.fitness for more Yoga, Yoga for Athletes, and Weightlifting or follow along here or at https://www.BrozFitness.com.' 

Tags: yoga , yoga workout , Conditioning Workout , men's fitness , naked yoga , nude yoga , gay bro , gay yoga , men's yoga

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