Dec 22, 2021
'Subscribe to our channel! rupt.ly/subscribe A group of Chinese pensioners performed their impressive morning workout stunts, as seen in the Yuyuantan park in Beijing, on Sunday. The footage shows elderly people, who are in their 70s and 80s, amaze passers-by by doing dozens of spins in a row on a horizontal bar; lifting with only two middle fingers; turning upside down and showing off incredible flexibility. \"I have been exercising for more than 10 years, had nothing to do after retirement and when children grew up. I started practising in the park, sometimes with a team. [I\'m also doing sport] for my children. Not to overburden them. When you are alright, they can focus on work,\" said one 73-year-old grandma. The Beijing pensioners also share videos of their impressive exercise routines on Chinese social media, attracting sports enthusiasts and garnering fans. TRANSLATIONS: SOT, Beijing pensioner (Mandarin): \"I have been exercising for more than 10 years. I had nothing to do after retirement and when the children grew up. I started practising in the park, sometimes with a team.\" SOT, Beijing pensioner (Mandarin): \"[I\'m also doing sport] for my children. Not to overburden them. When you are alright, they can focus on work.\" SOT, Beijing pensioner (Mandarin): \"I think it is very important to focus on health, rational diet and healthy lifestyle from a young age, so that we can have a good body.\" #China #Sports #Beijing Video ID: 20210517-045 Video on Demand: https://ruptly.tv/videos/20210517-045 Contact: [email protected] Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly'
Tags: China , SPORTS , Beijing , ELDERLY
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