'READ MORE HERE S@@ http://BruceLeesJKDTampa.webs.com Sign up for next FREE SEMINAR PASS, for faster advance sign up CALL NOW 813-458-5317 ---Discover Why Learning BRUCE LEES unique JEET KUNE DO Martial Arts Is So Much Fun And Special To Do... #3of8 BEACON NY, Fitness Gyms, Cize dance vs MORE SUPERIOR Bruce Lee\'s JKD Matrix Workout LECTURE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cqdg0gtRLg \"Staying Home Won\'t Make You Super Successful\" \"Better Than A Gym Workout, Benefits BEYOND\" “When you compare the real sacred martial arts & Bruce Lee’s unique & special JEET KUNE DO Martial Arts to Cize dance workout, Zumba dance workout, P90X workout, or gym workouts, IT’S FAR MORE SUPERIOR than those linear workouts, JKD & MARTIAL ARTS benefits way BEYOND, IT\'S FAR MORE SUPERIOR...\" Learn how to -Enhance Your Life, -Master Your Mind, -Get Into Great Cutting Shape, -Enhance Your Career, Income, Business, -Enhance Your Memory Super Genius Levels, So It Can Benefit Your Life BECOME SUPERHUMAN... “JEET KUNE DO Martial Arts is what no serious person, who wants to be great or fitness person that wants the best workout can ignore” -Master Bruce Lee “There are people that workout, they can somewhat have a fit body, but that is not only level of fitness. There are higher levels than just having a fit body. There is a far greater SUPERHUMAN level. The level of a Blackbelt is the REAL SUPERMAN. And alike many people don’t workout and they are stuck in life, same lifestyle day in and out. As well for a workout person, that takes an average gym workouts, after a while they don’t reach their goals, or drop out of working out. If they understood how special and totally life enhancement Bruce Leee’s JKD workouts is, they would have come and started a class and achieve far better results. Bruce Lee\'s Jeet Kune Do is not just a workout, it\'s very special and its a superhuman life changing workout. It penetrates the deep levels of the mind, body, and spirit. You experience what actually Bruce Lee did and you become like him, but in your own way. The adventures he experienced and films he created displaying his art JKD, you will experience it first hand through his art Jeet Kune Do” -Master Mike Sanchez \"If your not doing JKD, your missing out on something so great and special that it can benefit your entire life\" COME TO A SEMINAR NEAR YOU Call in Advance Booking Now 813-458-5317 http://BruceLeesJKDTampa.webs.com Hurry, Call Now Spots Fill Up Fast!'
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